Archiving Policy

Jurnal Ilmu Fisika (JIF) is committed to the permanent availability and preservation of scholarly research and aligns its archiving strategy with COPE's Core Practices. Our policy ensures that the digital collection of our journal is preserved irrespective of any unforeseen events, guaranteeing the enduring legacy and accessibility of our academic contributions.

Archiving Solutions:

We utilize Portico and the PKP Public Library Network for digital archiving, two leading preservation services that safeguard scholarly literature. These platforms ensure that all JIF content, past, present, and future, is secure and can be accessed by future generations of researchers and students.

Ensuring Continuity:

In the case of JIF ceasing publication or in the event of any other situation that might interrupt the availability of our content on our own servers, the archived materials in Portico and PKP Public Library Network will remain available, thus fulfilling our commitment to our authors and readers for long-term access.

Commitment to Access:

Our dedication goes beyond mere compliance with preservation standards. It is a commitment to continued access, ensuring that the valuable research findings and scientific discussions within our pages are never lost and remain a touchstone for future scholarly discourse.

Archiving Policy Implementation:

The implementation of our archiving policy is reflective of our broader mission to disseminate knowledge freely and widely. We regularly review our processes and partners to ensure alignment with technological advancements and the evolving needs of the academic community.

The JIF's robust approach to digital preservation represents our understanding of the importance of sustainable access to scientific information, as part of our greater role in the stewardship of scientific knowledge.