Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In recognition of the evolving landscape of scientific research and publishing, Jurnal Ilmu Fisika (JIF) has established a policy regarding the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). This policy aligns with the principles of responsible research and innovation, as well as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)'s Core Practices.

Scope and Definition:

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence technologies that can generate text, images, data, and other content. It has the potential to assist in the creation of scholarly content, but also poses challenges to traditional notions of authorship and originality.

Transparency in Use:

Authors who utilize generative AI tools in their research must disclose this use in their manuscript, detailing the extent of the AI's involvement and the specific tasks it performed.

Authorship and Contribution:

Generative AI cannot be listed as an author. Human authors must take full responsibility for the content and integrity of the work. The contribution of generative AI must be acknowledged as a tool, not as a contributor.

Quality and Accountability:

Submissions involving generative AI are subject to the same rigorous peer review process as all other manuscripts. Authors are accountable for ensuring the quality and ethical standards of the submitted work.

Intellectual Property:

Authors must ensure that the use of generative AI does not infringe upon intellectual property rights and must provide appropriate attribution for any pre-trained models or datasets employed.

Ethical Considerations:

The use of generative AI must adhere to ethical guidelines, particularly regarding the fabrication of data, plagiarism, and the manipulation of images or results.

Ongoing Evaluation:

JIF will continually evaluate the implications of generative AI in scientific publishing, and this policy may be updated to reflect new understandings and standards.

This policy ensures that the use of generative AI within the scope of JIF's publications is conducted with transparency, integrity, and accountability, safeguarding the quality of the scholarly record.