Monitoring System of Water Quality on Hydroponic Planting Media using Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) Sensor Based Arduino Uno R3


  • Muhammad Hidayatullah Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa, Indonesia
  • Sofyan Sofyan Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa, Indonesia
  • Paris Ali Topan Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa, Indonesia
  • Titi Andriani Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa, Indonesia
  • Nurhairunnisah Nurhairunnisah Universitas Samawa, Indonesia



Arduino UNO R3, TDS Sensor, hydroponic, water quality


A water quality monitoring system in hydroponics with a Total Dissolved Solid Sensor (TDS) equipped with the Arduino UNO microcontroller has been developed.  The TDS SEN0244 sensor read the water sensitivity, which will display the value of the reading on the LCD. Furthermore, if the output is less than 2.30 Volts or 1000 ppm, the buzzer will sound once, and the dosing pump will rotate to automatically add nutrients A and B. The buzzer will sound twice if the output is more than 2.40 Volts or 1200 ppm. When reading the sensitivity of water (well water) with a water value of 400 ppm, the relevant results were obtained, namely, 1000 - 1200 ppm when 4 - 5 mL of the nutrient solution was added to water with a capacity of fewer than 6 liters. The appropriate value was obtained when testing the TDS sensor on several water samples. However, in the salt and soapy water samples, the voltage value reading was unstable or experienced an error. Implementing this system is expected to make it easier for the community, especially farmers, to cultivate hydroponic plants.


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Author Biographies

Muhammad Hidayatullah, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa

Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of System Engineering, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa,  Jl. Raya Olat Maras, Batu Alang, Sumbawa Besar, 84371, West Nusa Tenggara

Sofyan Sofyan, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa

Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of System Engineering, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa,  Jl. Raya Olat Maras, Batu Alang, Sumbawa Besar, 84371, West Nusa Tenggara

Paris Ali Topan, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa

Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of System Engineering, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa, Jl. Raya Olat Maras, Batu Alang, Sumbawa Besar, 84371, West Nusa Tenggara

Titi Andriani, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa

Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of System Engineering, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa
Jl. Raya Olat Maras, Batu Alang, Sumbawa Besar, 84371, West Nusa Tenggara.

Nurhairunnisah Nurhairunnisah, Universitas Samawa

Educational Technology Department, Universitas Samawa. Jl. Bypass Sering-Sumbawa, 84317, West Nusa Tenggara


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How to Cite

Hidayatullah, M., Sofyan, S., Ali Topan, P., Andriani, T., & Nurhairunnisah, N. (2022). Monitoring System of Water Quality on Hydroponic Planting Media using Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) Sensor Based Arduino Uno R3. JURNAL ILMU FISIKA | UNIVERSITAS ANDALAS, 14(2), 108–115.



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